Part Number


Engine model / size

10-2001 Crankcase HP.20 SS
10-2002 Crankcase HP.20 GC
11-2001 Cylinder Head HP.20 SS
11-2002 Cylinder Head HP.20 GC
11-2011 Cylinder Head HP.20 AUTO BLACK
11-2012 Cylinder Head HP.20 AUTO GOLD
11-2013 Cylinder Head HP.20 AUTO RED
11-2021 Cylinder Head HP.20 water cooled
15-2001 Wrist pin HP.20
16-2001 Connecting Rod HP.20
17-2001 Crankshaft HP.20
17-2002 Crankshaft HP.20 AUTO (FOR CLUTCH)
18-0011 Bearing Rear HP .20,.40 FI
18-0018 Bearing Front HP 20
19-2001 Prop Drive Collet HP.20
20-2001 Prop Drive HP.20 SS
20-2002 Prop Drive HP.20 GC
21-2001 Rear Cover HP.20 SS
21-2002 Rear Cover (includes O-ring) HP.20 GC
23-2001 Prop Washer HP.20
Prop Nut HP.20
25-2001 Screw Set, engine HP.20
25-2131 Screw Set, muffler HP .20, .40
26-2001 Snap rings HP.20
27-2181 O-ring, carb neck HP .20, .40
27-2182 O-ring, high speed needle HP
27-2183 O-ring, idle needle HP .20, .40
28-2001 Carb draw bar HP.20
29-2011 Gasket sets (head shim) HP.20 HEAD SHIM
30-2001 Muffler HP 20 Exhaust adapter FOR CAR
30-2101 Muffler HP 20, 40 SS
30-2102 Muffler HP 20, 40 GC
30-2103 Muffler, pusher style HP 20, 40 SS
33-2001 Piston/Cylinder sets HP.20 ABC
80-2001 Carburetor HP .20
80-2002 Carburetor, slide car type - HP.20
81-2001 Carb body HP .20
81-2002 Carb body, slide type- HP .20
82-2001 Carb barrel HP .20
83-2101 Carb Stampings HP 20-40 & VT throttle arm
83-2102 Barrel Spring HP 20-40
83-2103 Needle ratchet HP ALL
84-2011 Auto barrel stop screw/spring slide type carb HP 20
84-2101 Barrel stop screw/nut HP 20-40
84-2102 Throttle arm nut- HP 20-40, VT all
84-2103 Spray Bar HP40
85-2002 Needle valves HP20 L Low Speed
85-2012 Needle valves- HP20 L auto slide carb
85-2101 Needle valves- HP 20,40, 61 H (all except rotomix 61 carb)
87-2101 Needle/Spray Bar HP40


©2004-1998 Model Engine Corporation of America, All rights reserved.
HP is a Registered Trademark of Model Engine Corp. of America
Registered U.S. Patent Office

No part may be reproduced without written permission from
MECOA -- P.O. Box 98 -- Sierra Madre, CA 91025 U.S.A.